Dragonfly: Any of various large insects of the order Odonata or suborder Anisoptera, having a long slender body and two pairs of narrow, net-veined wings that are usually held outstretched while the insect is at rest. Also called regionally darner, darning needle, mosquito fly, mosquito hawk, needle, skeeter hawk.
Poetry: The art or work of a poet.
Prolixity: Excessive wordiness in speech or writing; longwindedness

Friday, December 24, 2021
Merry Christmas!
Friday, November 19, 2021
Annunciation by Denise Levertov
ANNUNCIATION by Denise Levertov
Hail, space for the uncontained God’
From the Agathistos Hymn, Greece,
We know the scene: the room, variously furnished,
almost always a lectern, a book; always
the tall lily.
Arrived on solemn grandeur of great wings,
the angelic ambassador, standing or hovering,
whom she acknowledges, a guest.But we are told of meek obedience.
No one mentions
The engendering Spirit
did not enter her without consent.
God waited.She was free
to accept or to refuse, choice
integral to humanness.
Aren’t there annunciations
of one sort or another
in most lives?
Some unwillingly
undertake great destinies,
enact them in sullen pride,
More often
those moments
when roads of light and storm
open from darkness in a man or woman,
are turned away from
in dread, in a wave of weakness, in despair
and with relief.
Ordinary lives continue.
God does not smite them.
But the gates close, the pathway vanishes.
She had been a child who played, ate, slept
like any other child – but unlike others,
wept only for pity, laughed
in joy not triumph.
Compassion and intelligence fused in her, indivisible.
Called to a destiny more momentous
than any in all of Time,
she did not quail,
only asked
a simple, ‘How can this be?’
and gravely, courteously,
took to heart the angel’s reply,
perceiving instantly
the astounding ministry she was offered: to bear in her womb
Infinite weight and lightness; to carry
in hidden, finite inwardness,
nine months of Eternity; to contain
in slender vase of being,
the sum of power –
in narrow flesh,
the sum of light.
Then bring to birth,
push out into air, a Man-child
needing, like any other,
milk and love –but who was God.
I'm back. I missed everyone!!! 🌻 My Ipad & computer died a few weeks ago & my kindle is slowly biting the dust, too. I ordered new ones, but they're backordered. 😕 I love you all! xo
My breast biopsy was negative, thankfully, but both of my arms (biceps/deltoids) were severely strained from being overstretched during surgery. I'd been going to physical therapy twice a week for months now which drains me and is horrifyingly hard/painful. My hip pain was mostly resolved, but both of my arms are in severe pain. 😂 I laugh because I'm jinxed when it comes to pain...it's been never-ending and always severe. No medication for it, either. I can't even take Advil because it kills my stomach. I'm mortally depressed most days and struggle to even get up and dressed. But, as He promised, God holds me up and covers me with his wings (Psalm 91) and I am comforted, comforted and safe. 🙏 🎈📚 God bless you all.
That's my story today.
Friday, May 28, 2021
Volcanoes - Mother Nature’s Power
That flickered in the night—
When it was dark enough to do
Without erasing sight—
A quiet—Earthquake Style—
Too subtle to suspect
By natures this side Naples—
The North cannot detect
The Solemn—Torrid—Symbol—
The lips that never lie—
Whose hissing Corals part—and shut—
And Cities—ooze away—
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Here Comes Hurricane Season 😎
Thursday, April 8, 2021
Ah, Emily Dickinson 📚 Spring Has Sprung! 🌸
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
Friday, April 2, 2021
When I Die by Rumi - Happy Easter ✝️
“Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.” – Charles M. Crowe 🌸🧚🏽♀️🌺
WHEN I DIE by Rumi
When I die
when my coffin
is being taken out
you must never think
i am missing this world
don’t shed any tears
don’t lament or
feel sorry
i’m not falling
into a monster’s abyss
when you see
my corpse is being carried
don’t cry for my leaving
i’m not leaving
i’m arriving at eternal Love
when you leave me
in the grave
don’t say goodbye
remember a grave is
only a curtain
for the paradise behind
you’ll only see me
descending into a grave
now watch me rise
how can there be an end
when the sun sets or
the moon goes down
it looks like the end
it seems like a sunset
but in reality it is a dawn
when the grave locks you up
that is when your soul is freed
have you ever seen
a seed fallen to earth
not rise with a new life
why should you doubt the rise
of a seed named human
have you ever seen
a bucket lowered into a well
coming back empty
why lament for a soul
when it can come back
like Joseph from the well
when for the last time
you close your mouth
your words and soul
will belong to the world of
no place no time
Friday, March 26, 2021
I Miss President Trump and Common Sense...
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Sick of covid Bullshit, so Cats!
Saturday, March 6, 2021
God Bless the South! 1970s Music is the Best!
“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything”. ~PLATO
The music of my youth, back when freedom & free speech reigned. Good times & great memories. Youth is, indeed, wasted on the young. Weekend mood:
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Sorry about the Democrats!
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Movie & Music Recommendations
Dance like you’re on fire
Roll down the window to your love
I got a strange desire
To move with you, move with you
Give you a piece of my love
Hold on, take me higher
Make me bolder oh
C'mon through this fire
Yeah we don’t get older oh
Dance rascal dance
Like you’re on fire
Roll down the window to your love
Gimme all your strange desires
C'mon move with me, move with me
Give me a piece of your love
Hold on, take me higher
Make me bolder oh
C'mon through this fire
Yeah we don’t get older oh
Dance rascal dance
I move my feet
I grab your heart
I take your hand
We play apart
Our bad desires
Our restless souls
Take my heart
Take control
Hold on, take me higher
Make me bolder oh
C'mon through this fire
Yeah we don’t get older oh
Dance rascal dance
~ Jack Antonoff
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Container by Fiona Apple
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Container by Fiona Apple
I was screaming into the canyon
At the moment of my death
The echo I created
Outlasted my last breath
My voice it made an avalanche
And buried a man I never knew
And when he died his widowed bride
Met your daddy and they made you
I have only one thing to do and that's
Be the wave that I am and then
Sink back into the ocean
I have only one thing to do and that's
Be the wave that I am and then
Sink back into the ocean
I have only one thing to do and that's
Be the wave that I am and then
Sink back into the ocean
Sink back into the o-
Sink back into the ocean
Sink back into the o-
Sink back into the ocean
Sink back into the ocean
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Starlings in Winter by Mary Oliver
Starlings in Winter
but with stars in their black feathers,
they spring from the telephone wire
and instantly
they are acrobats
in the freezing wind.
And now, in the theater of air,
they swing over buildings,
dipping and rising;
they float like one stippled star
that opens,
becomes for a moment fragmented,
then closes again;
and you watch
and you try
but you simply can't imagine
how they do it
with no articulated instruction, no pause,
only the silent confirmation
that they are this notable thing,
this wheel of many parts, that can rise and spin
over and over again,
full of gorgeous life.
Ah, world, what lessons you prepare for us,
even in the leafless winter,
even in the ashy city.
I am thinking now
of grief, and of getting past it;
I feel my boots
trying to leave the ground,
I feel my heart
pumping hard, I want
to think again of dangerous and noble things.
I want to be light and frolicsome.
I want to be improbable beautiful and afraid of nothing,
as though I had wings.
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Dystopian America, Coming Soon...
“The greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion, which is war against the child. The mother doesn't learn to love, but kills to solve her own problems. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want.“