Tuesday, March 31, 2020

My Flowers are my Poetry


Serena said...

Gorgeous roses! Long time, no see, Ms. Dragonfly. I'd almost forgotten I had a blog -- and fellow bloggers. In light of the times and all the weirdness going on, I'm thinking about starting mine up again. So much total "stuff" going on. It's surreal. Hope you're well and staying safe!

Marion said...

Sherry!!!!! I’ve thought about you often (and The Church of Barefoot Princesses). Long time, no see, indeed. I hope you’re safe, holed up somewhere with lots of books. I’m doing good, but for chronic pain. Ha! You stay safe, too! xo

Serena said...

I think of you often, too. And I so miss the camaraderie of the old group. We need to catch up, girl. Are you still using the gmail address? I'm holed up with my dog, loads of books, snacks, and Internet. All I'm missing is some rum and Coke, because I've been too lazy to go and get it. With all this time on my hands, I'm going to attempt to keep my blog updated during the Current Craziness. Sorry about the chronic pain. You've had more than your share to deal with. If that gmail address is still good, I'll be in touch. Take care!

Snowbrush said...

The moisture really sets it off.