Saturday, September 22, 2018

Zombie Haiku


My life!!!!!  My 'give a shit' is officially dead...kaput.  From here on out it's my way or the highway.  My hair is silver/white.  It's as short as I could cut it.  One side is shaved bare.  I'm thinking of getting a tattoo there.  I'm in severe pain 24/ too many places to even mention.  Walking hurts.  Standing hurts.  Sitting hurts.  Just call me PAIN.  

I envy the zombies.  They're already dead.  They're just walking bodies, waiting for the delicious, sharp blade of that glimmering sword to end their empty existence.

Please, cut me...

1 comment:

PhilipH said...

Marion, so very sorry to read your painful post. Wishing you well again very speedily.