Charles De Lint is the master of fastasy fiction. I found this book on the 'New Book' shelf at the library and was attracted by the cover. I'm in the midst of it right now, but had to recommend it. It's a wonderful, beautifully written, amazing book unlike any other book I've ever read. I have to get back to it......I just wanted to recommend it.
Here's the blurb from Amazon:
"Grace Quintero works at Sanchez Motor Works, customizing hot rods. Her whole world consists of her apartment building, the grocery store, the library, the record shop, and the local music hall. She misses her grandfather, the only person she was close to. She meets John at the music hall one night and has a feeling that they might have a relationship, not just a hookup. But there’s one problem. Grace is dead and trying to adjust to her “life” as a ghost. De Lint’s skillful depiction of people trying to resolve unfinished business, develop the courage to let some things go, and distinguish between the two draws the reader into a world that is neither life nor death. We agonize, in the classic sense, along with Grace and root for her resolution. This is a stand-alone work, unconnected to anything else de Lint has done before, but it should please his regular readers, and perhaps fantasy fans in general."