Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy Summer Solstice in Pictures

a quote I liked and copied into my notebook

storm coming - for Annie Marie

my favorite new watercolor paints from dollar tree

a little redhead checking out my miniature typewriter table

my hood, more or less

angel-wing begonia's blushing flowers

one of my many to-be-re-read piles

Molly (Blythe) with her new John Lennon tee-shirt

a rose is a rose is a rose...


Kelly said...

An enjoyable photo journey through your longest day of the year. :)

Shaista said...

I love that quote and have made it my desktop picture - helped very much by how much I love your handwriting :)

And the doll? The red headed doll is adorable!! Did you make her?? If I may have your permission, I might dedicate a post entirely to her one of these days... it's already whirling around my mind...

Hope you are ok?

Marion said...

Shaista, thank you. I bought the doll (can't recall where...maybe on Ebay?) and she did have a hat on, but I took it off so her hair could fly free. I'm hanging in, thanks for asking. I hope you're doing okay, too. Feel free to dedicate anything you want to my little dolly. :-) xo