Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Moon by Robert Bly

My own red, luscious, tomato-moon...almost ripe this first day of May.

The Moon
By Robert Bly

After writing poems all day,
I go off to see the moon in the pines.
Far in the woods I sit down against a pine.
The moon has her porches turned to face the light,
But the deep part of her house is in the darkness.

from "Eating the Honey of Words", 1999


Kelly said...

I love this poem!

I'm jealous that you already have tomatoes. We just put out our red plants (that were store-bought). The yellow plants (I started from seed) aren't big enough to go out yet. *sigh*

erin said...

oh! what a peculiar poem. i love it.

that tomato is just too fricken crazy for me. i mean, come on! a tomato! ha! beautiful.


Wine and Words said...

Oh your tomato is calling my basil! And a lovely poem. I've so many Moon songs I might have to make you a mix!

Margaret Pangert said...

Bly's moon is so human--with her deepest part in the darkness. Makes me long for summer nights... And your beautiful tomato-moon! Sweet! We finally have been able to plant lettuce, but at least the trees and shrubs are awakening! ♥

Snowbrush said...

Tomatoes--wow! We're still having nights in the '30s.


oh, yeah, the glory of tomatoes! yummmmmm - love the way they look the way they smell the way they taste! and your tomato moon, how divine!!! thanks so much for sharing the perfect slice of words from bly! have a glorious tomato-tuned day, lady!

Phoenix said...

Beautiful poem, and now I'm craving tomatoes, thanks! I love that Bly was such a poet that after a day spent writing poems, he writing a poem. Love it.

* said...

Oh, let me be lost in the pines with the moon (and a big red home grown tomato!). Such delicious darkness in Bly's words here.

Laurie said...

Are you kidding -- you already have a ripe tomato?! We can't even plant outdoors yet...sigh!