Thursday, March 19, 2020

Bored? Never!

My solitary life is never boring.  Readers, poets, gardeners and creative people are never bored!

A really good book to read.  It’s truly a meditation...

It’s  Spring!  Plant flowers and veggies and trees.  Take photos of the new flowers blooming.  Plant tomatoes, herbs and lettuce for your own salads.  Write about this strange time we’re experiencing in your journal for future generations to read.  Collage a can, a box or a notebook cover.  Write a story or a poem about your aloneness.  Color in a coloring book with gel pens.  Organize your craft supplies or your closet. Prepare a will, just in case.

 Call and check on friends and family members often!

Pray for our leaders, our fellow Americans/the world and especially our healthcare workers.  Pray for healing of the sick.  Meditate on the fragility of life and the mighty strength of Nature!  Read those philosophy books, the Bible, Rumi and Khalil Gibran.  Expand your mind/feed your head by reading books outside your comfort zone.

And keep your sense of humor and laugh often!

A can I painted and collaged.  I get my material from catalogs & magazines.

A coloring page from Laurel Burch’s coloring book that I colored this week.

Lemons on my Meyer’s Lemon tree.  My first Lemon tree!!!!! 

Scooby, our Pitbull, who likes to sniff the wind for enemies, I pontificate...

Two of my Blythe girls, holding hands.

My favorite comic, Calvin & Hobbs.


  1. I like your ideas of things to do that will keep us upbeat. The page you colored from the coloring book is glorious, and dogs always keep us aware of scents and sounds beyond us.

  2. they are unprecedented times, aren't they, marion. your lemons attest to the good things you are doing. (i wish we were further along in the season to nurture such things. today i managed a walk on two feet of well-worked snow in the woods.)

    i've listened to two shows about Rumi so far this week. (i'll send you the links.) this has helped. and made two loaves of bread.

    i seem to be immersed in a deep sadness. but i make efforts to also be grateful. and creative.


  3. Wonderful cartoon strip! Given how early they're coming out, I take it that your lemons ripen for you to eat them. I don't remember lemons from Mississippi (maybe global warming has made them possible there now), although I think my sister in Pensacola might have grown them.


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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