Monday, March 25, 2019

The Dolls by John Ciardi

Miss Tee-Joy

Sunny, Tee-Joy’s sister. 

There’s a world of collectors of these unique, beautiful, mesmerizing Blythe dolls.  These two sisters, Tee-Joy and Sunny, were made by a doll customizing artist in Detroit.  My non-customized dolls all come from one place:  The Junie Moon Shop in Tokyo, Japan.  They’re not sold anywhere else except EBay.  A fun, interesting hobby.

The Dolls

Night after night forever the dolls lay stiff
by the children’s dreams. On the goose-feathers of the rich,
on the straw of the poor, on the gypsy ground—
wherever the children slept, dolls have been found
in the subsoil of the small loves stirred again
by the Finders After Everything. Down lay
the children by their hanks and twists. Night after night
grew over imagination. The fuzzies shed, the bright
buttons fell out of the heads, arms ripped, and down
through goose-feathers, straw; and the gypsy ground
the dolls sank, and some—the fuzziest and most loved
changed back to string and dust, and the dust moved
dream-puffs round the Finders’ boots as they dug,
sieved, brushed, and came on a little clay dog,
and a little stone man, and a little bone girl, that had kept
their eyes wide open forever, while all the children slept.

John Ciardi, “The Dolls” from In the Stoneworks (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1961)


  1. I love your dolls and all the photos you share of them on Instagram. They are so expressive!

  2. Thank you, Kelly! I had no dolls as a poor kid, so I'm making up for it. LOL! No one wanted me that Blythe doll collecting is addictive. I have 25 of them now. :-0

  3. Ugh! I HATE AUTOCORRECT!! I meant WARNED!! LOL! xo


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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