Sunday, August 19, 2018

Surgery is Exhausting!

New knee!

Looks exactly like I fell into the swamp and a gator tried to eat me starting at my left knee.  25 staples.  Trust me, you do not want to see that bloody, swollen, red, bruised mess.   No freaking pain management to speak of.  Don't get me started.  I've had a dozen surgeries in my life and NEVER suffered the way I did after this surgery.  Had it done one day, home the next after hobbling 120 feet down the hall using a walker.  Fighting a fever now, but low grade.  (This is the abbreviated version, minus profanities...)

Hope all is well with y'all.  I do not recommend this surgery unless you 're next to crippled, which I was. 

Later, gators.  ~Hop Along Marion & Trigger, my walker.  xoxo

Oh, yeah, my knee feels like it's the size of my head.


  1. I feel for you, Marion, and from everything I've heard, knees are rougher than hips. (isn't that next on the agenda?) So perhaps it will only get easier from here!

    Lots of prayers being lifted up for you!

  2. Thank you, sweet Kelly. I need all the prayers I can get. Yes, they say hips are a breeze compared with knees. PT yesterday was 100% torture & agony. Bending that knee is hell and every exercise I did, he had me doing 30 horrendously painful reps. I survived, thank God, but had it on ice the rest of the day. I know it's for my own good, but I've had enough pain to last 5 lifetimes!!!! I hope you are doing okay. I appreciate your love & concern! xo

  3. It will be worthwhile - and the agony will be replaced by ecstasy in a few short/long weeks. Best wishes, keep going strong Marion.

  4. Thank you, Philip. Folks keep telling me that. I hope the worst is over. Physical Therapy is GRUELLING, but I'm working hard. xo


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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