Monday, September 7, 2015

Poet - By Keith Waldrop

    A Charm of Hummingbirds at one of my feeders...

A favorite poem I collaged onto a composition book journal.

                       Two of my Blythe dolls.


By Keith Waldrop

The wind dying, I find a city deserted, except for crowds of
people moving and standing.
    Those standing resemble stories, like stones, coal from the
death of plants, bricks in the shape of teeth.
    I begin now to write down all the places I have not been—
starting with the most distant.
    I build houses that I will not inhabit.

Keith Waldrop, "Poet" from Analogies of Escape. Copyright © 1997 by Keith Waldrop. 


  1. A "charm". I didn't know that term for hummingbirds and I love it!

    I also love those two quotes at the top, especially the first.

    Summer is refusing to relinquish its grip around here... We've had a few "teaser" days, but we're so hot, humid, and DRY still. Our pond is suffering.

  2. Kelly, isn't that perfect??? I was watching the Hummingbirds swarming all last week and it hit me: "What is a group of Hummingbirds called? A flock or what?" I was so impressed that it's a 'charm'. Sorry you're all dried up there in Razorback country. We've had just enough afternoon showers to keep the grass growing. Ha!!! xo

  3. holyheck! not ONLY that is called a charm (although that is pretty cool) but that there IS a charm! i have only ever seen one at a time. but oh! one is a multitude in itself. i think i might just have a seizure to see so many!

    waldrop's poem... oh! i feel in a trance. what alchemy.))

  4. I know, Erin. I take them for granted, my little Charmers. Oh, the wonder we see, but don't see! Seeing them afresh through your eyes reopened my own eyes. What a gift! Thank you! xo


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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