Monday, August 31, 2015

Ghosts By Marion For Mag 283

                                   For Mag 283

By Marion

White is not a color 
Peonies do not grow here
This vase is ostentatious
I will not shed a tear---

His absence is a presence
as real as my red robe
His spirit whispers secrets
that only we two know---


  1. A touch of bitter beauty filters through these reflective thoughts. Lovely.

  2. Thank you, Gemma...what a beautiful name you have. I appreciate you stopping by. xo

    Jonathan, thank you. I appreciate you! xo

  3. Even though

    I whisper to myself
    As if
    In this empty room
    Someone else might
    Would that you were here
    Maybe then
    This pain wouldn't
    Tear at me so
    But you are not
    Even though
    I wish it with all of me
    Even though
    I have need of you
    These flowers are of cold comfort
    Offering slim solace
    In their silence


    Thank you for your kind words, and thank you for sharing this piece which sparked another verse from me :-)

  4. whoa! that is too beautiful, somber yet lovely

  5. Excellent response to the prompt.

  6. Beautiful secrets I'm sure. Delightful.

  7. That is so hauntingly beautiful.

  8. marion, the (somewhat) dissociation between the first two lines, maybe three, four lines! is brilliant to me. and then the bringing to earth in the tangible folds of the robe. i think this is quite a good poem. there is great strength in it, the strength reflecting in equal measure her pain.))


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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