Monday, May 26, 2014

Who It Is Accuses Us by Linda Pastan

My kitchen window sill altar:  Jesus, a fallen Orchid, and the bones of a crucifix fish I found on the Galveston beach years ago:  Ariopsis felis (hardhead sea catfish, Ariidae).
Who It Is Accuses Us
By Linda Pastan

Who it is accuses us of safety,
as if the family were soldiers
instead of hostages,
as if the gardens were not mined
with explosive peonies,
as if the most common death
were not by household accident?
We have chosen the dangerous life.
Consider the pale necks of the children
under their colored head scarves,
the skin around the husband's eyes, flayed
by guilt and promises.
You who risk no more than your own skins
I tell you household Gods
are jealous Gods.
They will cover your window sills
with the dust of sunsets;
they will poison your secret wells
with longing.

From:  "Waiting For My Life" by Linda Pastan, page 34
"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." ~C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain

"The soul can split the sky in two and let the face of God shine through." ~Edna St. Vincent Millay........from her amazing poem, Renascence.


  1. i like the poem, marion, but love your window. it is so lush and vivid. it looks as though you've placed your heart there upon the altar.

    and lewis! oh, lewis is exceedingly interesting to me.

    love to you)))


  2. Thank you, Erin. I love my window altar. I've been enjoying your blogs, too, this past week. You've healed me, inspired me and awed me with your words/photos. I'm so happy you're still feeding us poor mortals. I love you dearly, sweet poet. xoxo


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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