Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Heart Lifted...

I potted this tiny plant in March.  I watered it and cared for it all summer.  I was patient.  Yesterday, November 16, 2012, it produced one perfect white flower.  I went outside this morning and it was pink. I swear to you, my heart lifted. I live for surprises like this.
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"I slept the afternoon, but you know what Breton says: I was not in the mood for visitors. Picture yourself inside that word. And yes, my house is a word, but my words, aren’t they words also? Today, the sky just wouldn’t happen. Today, I was blind-sided. Neither pain, nor its powdered absence. Like most days, I became the kitchen sill. I’m simply saying what I always say: what is lace-winged cannot be strong."

Olena Kalytiak Davis, from:  "And Her Soul Out Of Nothing", page 3

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"I'm feeling terrifically heavy.
I'm feeling as well-grounded as the dead."  ~Olena Kalytiak Davis, page 19

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"Oh, my cloud covered heart." ~Olena Kalytiak Davis, page 3

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  1. Oh! It is just picture perfect! You are both a true gardener and photographer, M....


  2. Marion, oh that we could just fly to Jamaica for the holidays. I'm thrilled that nature surprised you today! I'm thrilled that the surprise came of your own hand! See...the magic you have :)

    Love you friend!

  3. Kelly, thank you!! Our cold has passed and we're back to warm weather again. Ha!!! Happy Thanksgiving! xo

    Lynn, thank you!! I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving. xo

    My Annie, maybe next year? I'm serious. We seriously need some adventures!! I love you, dearest friend. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. xo

  4. one perfect white flower!!! what else can one wish for... i imagine, no, i know your happiness because i am also in love with flowers and fascinated with the mysteries of sprouting and blooming... but what flower is it? i can't recognize it...

  5. Marion, I just recently discovered your blog and am so happy that you've discovered mine! Reading is very important to me, so it is so nice to hear about your daughters and grandchild as readers. Especially Harry Potter--I've read the entire series three times. Love them. Yay for reading!

  6. You're a great plant mama, Marion :-)

  7. Janelle, yes, every flower a poem in itself. xo

    Roxana, this flower is commonly called an Angel Trumpet. The 'real' name is Brugmansia, a genus of seven species of flowering plants in the family Solanaceae. If you Google 'Angel Trumpet' you'll see some gorgeous examples of this plant. And the best part is it's easy to grow!! Thanks for stopping by. xo

    Jan, thanks for stopping by!! I really enjoyed your blog. Any book lover is a friend of mine. xo

    Ben, yes, my plants are my babies. I remember as a young child wanting a house with lots of plants when I grew up. (We moved a lot growing up.) Ray and I sometimes think of moving to a condo or apt., but I can't imagine not having a yard, trees, flowers, herbs and a garden. It's a lot of work, though. xo


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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