Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dearest Rose

Woman Writing Letter by Henry O'Hara Clive (1881 - 1960)

Dearest Rose,
For the first time I understand why men mortgage their souls for a diamond the size of a skipping stone.  I understand why dragonflies mate on the wind, their abdomens a perfect flying heart.  I know the thrill of the match as it lights the fire---and the fire’s joy as it consumes all it touches.  I even know the ashes’ ache as it smears your fingertips and touches your face as you wipe away your tears.

For the first time I feel.

I am the needle on the Victrola and you, the record.  Together, we become music.

Rose, you are the elusive drop of joy wrung from the heart of the Poppy making my brain a dream collage.

My heart becomes heavy.  I know this can’t last.  I weep as you shake your head smiling and capture my tears in a tiny cobalt blue bottle.  You say you will use them to season your stuffed zucchini blossoms and feed them back to me to negate my sorrow.

Rose, you are a love alchemist.

Heal me.

By Marion:  9/25/2012


  1. This is poignantly beautiful, Marion. I love it when you post your writings :-)

  2. I am compelled to say to you Marion....I have no idea what that means.

  3. Ben, thanks. I appreciate you. xo

    Trav, it is what it is. The picture inspired me. It's about the love in friendship. Or whatever you'd like it to be. You cracked me up this morning. Thanks for the laugh. xo

  4. This is absolutely beautiful, Marion.

  5. Awww, thanks, Kelly. I'm making it into a short story. The 'poem' came to me when I saw this painting, but I want to explore it further. Love you! xo

  6. Hmmm. you've got me wondering about those two. I LOVE the first paragraph! So descriptive and perfect. You negate my sorrow Marion. You are such a dear.

    Love you friend.

  7. marion, as though i have walked through a room and recognized your perfume)))gorgeous. i sense you freed and roaming in something new. sometimes characters allow us this. sometimes we allow ourselves this. either way it is gorgeous.

    (i read it in part in google reader and tbelieved wrongly since i saw it that it was a dated piece by an old and established writer. it is a huge success, sensual, exposed and real.)


  8. Annie, I'm glad you liked it. I'm wondering about Rose and Lilly, too, and if Lilly will answer Rose's letter. :-) My pen is ready should she choose to dictate me a reply. Love you!! xo

    Erin, your writings always inspire me to silence my inhibitions and leap into the unknown with my eyes wide open. Thank you for your kind words. They heal me. xo

  9. Wow! I can almost FEEL the words written in this letter. It is beautiful, Marion.
    ♥ audrey


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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