Sunday, August 12, 2012

Please Stay Tuned...

I'm having technical difficulties with my blog.  It won't let me edit and I can endure anything but misspelling and bad grammar.  When I hit "post", it adds or subtracts spaces and returns at random.  OY!  So here's a picture of some of my Blythe dolls to persuse while I curse Blogger.  :-)

Willow, Annie-Marie, P.J., Violet, Molly and Li-Li.


"The reluctance to put away childish things may be a requirement of genius. "~Rebecca Pepper Sinkler


  1. Spice girls did you say???

  2. i'm having problems too, marion. i laugh. right now i am between two computers to manage to get to some of my favorite blogs. it has been days trying to load your page. wtf? if you could see me you would laugh. i have a keyboard from one computer on the lid of my laptop, fighting my way through:)


  3. Technology can be such a bore! Ugh. I'm having much difficulty with Facebook! Damn I hate the new timeline, and now it doesn't even work right! Not too much trouble with blogger. But that wave is probably cresting this way soon! I'm still on the old Blogger interface. Hope they've forgotten about making me switch over!

    Love you dear friend.

  4. So sorry you're having technical difficulties. If Blogger keeps this stuff up, we may all have to move to Wordpress. Cute dolls!

  5. Blogger isn't so user friendly. I've had my trials. Maybe we can both move to Wordpress? ;-)

  6. Blogger problems somehow seem to come and go without ever affecting everyone at once. I gotta say though that the service has gotten better and better over time as far as user friendliness, although this might not be the best time to bring that up, eh?

  7. Love that quote about 'childish things' true....and your dolls are gorgeous!

  8. Argghhhh! For whatever reason, I am able to post again. Perhaps Microsoft pays blogger to slow down anyone that doesn't have the newest release of Internet Explorer.

    Love your Blythes... gonna try to start hanging around here again and not working 6 days a week.

    Love, quid


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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