Friday, December 2, 2011

R.I.P. Cody, The World's Best Dog Ever

We'll miss you every single day and so will all of your cats.


  1. Oh no, oh no! Cody....

    Marion, I am so sorry. The timing of death. Oh how I wish we could control it. Sweet dog. Sweet friend. So so sorry. Goodbye Cody. So glad I got to meet you!

  2. oh my god, Marion, I'm so sorry :(

    It's truly awful to have such a loyal, understanding friend leave. I was really devastated when our dog of ten years died. I wrote several scenes in my novel off the emotion.

  3. Thanks, Annie. Like I needed another reason to cry, right? He'd been limping for a long while with arthritis, but the cold weather just did him in. He could barely walk outside to pee, so we knew it was time to put him out of his pain. The cats (he raised all six of them, two of which he brought to us in his mouth from the backyard....God, that dog loved kittens so much) are roaming around the house meowing and looking for him. Our hearts are broken. xoxo

    Thanks, Ben. Cody's only the 2nd dog we've ever had and he was really a 100 pound cat in a dog suit. I'm listening to sad music and printing out pictures of him. xoxo

  4. Oh, Marion....I'm SO sorry!! I loved Cody when I met him and felt he loved me, too. Such a sweet boy.

    My heart aches for you and Ray. (and your kitties)


  5. Thanks, Kelly. I remember he was all over you when you came to pick me up for our excellent adventure. LOL! He knew you were a dog lady. :-) xo

  6. Oh, Marion, I am so sorry about your dog. Our black schnauzer, Baxter, died a year ago on December 10. I've founded it easier to recover from losing parents than from losing dogs, so I surely understand at least some of what you are going through. He certainly was a handsome fellow.

  7. Thank you, Snow. I rememeber you talking about your Baxter. Only people who've had pets for a long time can understand how very sad it is to lose a fur friend. Cody was like a person and had such a strong, loving personality. I'll miss him till the day I die. xoxo

  8. i'm so sorry for your loss. i know that pain. dogs are a part of the human experience. they are the heart of the home. love to you. he will never really be away from your heart.

  9. Oh, nooooo! I feel like I've "known" Cody practically forever. I'm so sorry, Marion. I absolutely know how much you miss your sweet boy. Oh, this hurts my heart.


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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