Saturday, August 13, 2011

All Things Pass by Timothy Leary

All Things Pass
By Timothy Leary, homage to Lao Tzu

All things pass

A sunrise does not last all morning

All things pass

 A cloudburst does not last all day
All things pass
Nor a sunset all night

But Earth... sky... thunder...
wind... fire... lake...
mountain... water...
These always change

And if these do not last
Do man’s visions last?
Do man’s illusions ?

Take things as they come
All things pass


  1. Congratulations!! I know you are so proud of her!

  2. Congratulations to Sarah! You are right to be so proud, Marion. Mr. Leary's poem is perfect .
    Thank you for sharing it all.

  3. for all the credentials in the world - i hope she's half as smart as you:)

    you shine of her, marion.


  4. She looks so beautiful, a smile like her Momma. All that hard work, and a husband to look after to boot - heh heh.

    I'm proud of her too!

  5. Sarah is beautiful, takes after you I think! Congrats to her, a Masters is a good deal of work!!

  6. This is so wonderful, ML. Congratulations to Sarah -- succeeding in so many different ways!



One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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