Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mam's Dream Book by Marion

Old bottle of "Evening in Paris"

M'am’s Dream Book
By Marion

M'am had a dream book
of pictures tore from magazines:
fancy, gold-rimmed dishes, flower gardens
and silk dresses that she glued and taped
to dime store paper in a old, beat-up
folder I had from 3rd grade.

It were worn from handling and
the page tops bore the
print of her licked thumb.
It smelled of broken dreams
and Evening in Paris.
M'am’s one extravagance
was that cheap
perfume in a cobalt blue bottle.
She rationed that
stinkin’ horse piss
like it were Shalimar.

When I was a little girl I useta say,
“M'am, when I grow up I’m gonna
buy you a big ole house with a
front and a back porch and a rose

I never did, though.
M'am died last year, homeless,
all wore out from hard livin’.
I’ve since learnt that dreams
are for other folks
and not the likes
of M'am and me.


  1. Lovely. And sad. How well I remember "Evening in Paris"....


  2. Quid's right...this IS lovely, and sad. I love that photo of the blue bottle.

    I was so glad you were able to get into my blog this week! I've missed you!!!

    Enjoy this gorgeous weather!

  3. breathtaking!!! just breathtaking! and taking me back to those days of cobalt blue bottles and evenin's in paris!!! beautiful, lady!

  4. Loved the emotion in it. Especially the lines:

    "the page tops bore the
    print of her licked thumb.
    It smelled of broken dreams
    and Evening in Paris."

  5. Sheesh! My heart skipped a beat at "My mam died..." Was no no! I still have to meet her!

    Great poem Marion, as I didn't quite recognize your voice in it. I would love to be able to write outside myself in that way. We've got our dream books Marion...all those delicate bits we paste onto pages of "I knew, I wish, I was, I am."

  6. Marion, this is absolutely wonderful! Sad, but so wonderfully from the heart.

  7. Something about cobalt blue that has always grabbed me.

    And this poem.

  8. Marion, you are writing such genuine, evocative poetry--can we expect a book some time soon?

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your Mam. She sounds romantic and dreamy like you.

    Take your Mam's images from the journal and put them into words: you will have the most exotic poems.

    Love, me

  9. Heart wrenchingly beautiful, i.e.

  10. FYI, Mam is a fictional character who comes to me ever so often when I'm writing.

    My own Mama is alive and well and still kicking ass at age 84 years young. :-)

    Thank you all for your kind comments. I appreciate you all.

  11. Dear Marion
    My first time hitting you back, been following your blog now for a few months. Stumbled across it by divine intervention. I just wanted to give you a heartfelt thank you. Like so many woman, I have just found the strength to leave a very abusive relationship…I was blessed enough to find an angel who is in the fight of his life now with cancer….Funny how we find what we need when we are open to what life puts into our path...Your blog has helped to keep the both of us smiling, and has rekindled the writer in me, which is a very very good thing. Thank you for being an angel..

  12. Martha, thank YOU for this kind comment. I quit writing for many years and am so happy I came back to it. I'm overjoyed to have had a small part in rekindling the writer in you. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers...Blessings to you and your partner...

  13. I drifted in following a bottle of Evening in Paris, needing a picture to use in a blogpost about a lovely young woman of long ago, who had time for showing lovely things of life to a grubby child.

    This just struck my heart in its elegant, sharp simplicity, and I'll be back soon for more of your lovely words.

    Thank you.



One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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