Friday, April 15, 2011

Garden Lament by Marion

The ethereal, shy, blushing blossom of my Angel Wing Begonia. One of the most elusive, beautiful flowers that I grow.

Garden Lament
By Marion

I struggle to protect Mother Nature
and embrace her with my human arms...

I listen intently for soft night murmurs and
plant a secret garden sanctuary.
I build a sacred earthen path---
lined with mute stone deities,
surrounded by giant Sunflowers
leading to a stone yin-yang circle.

(My cat lies beneath the earth here---dead and rotted.)

Shine, my magical green Willow trees, dance
with the wild morning breeze---
Open my ears and eyes to the mystery of the wind.

Come, brown fertile ground,
explode the dead russet bulbs,
burst the juicy red strawberries
and the sun-warmed purple blueberries.
Sprout yellow, pink and red roses through the silent soil---

A live yard song is humming
an ageless, ancient tune---

The long, mossy shade rustles
with bird life and birdsong as I
relax here quietly in my own sweet,
untainted Eden
between Winter frost,
hot Summer rain,
death and rebirth.

Be at peace, it whispers to me.
Never leave---

---die and be reborn.

This began as a magnetic refrigerator poetry poem and grew from there... I keep changing it. Tee-Hee. Writer's perogative. My Hummingbirds came back around mid-March and now they're eating me out of house and home, about 5 pounds of sugar a week for my 5 feeders. But I do so love them, little winged jewels of color, they are. xoxo


  1. Wonderful poem and your photo is gorgeous!!

    We haven't put up hummingbird feeders in a long time. When we still had lots of altheus bushes the hummingbirds loved their blooms, but we don't have many anymore.

  2. Five pounds of sugar a week! That is some sweet love, there, Marion!

    I enjoyed your poem, these lines especially,

    "untainted Eden
    between Winter frost,
    hot Summer rain,
    death and rebirth."

    Spring is the in-between time, isn't it? And so many other things.

    PS: Can I place an order for some of your Angel Wing Begonias? They are gorgeous!

  3. Another beautiful poem - and the photo of you begonias is absolutely stunning! I can only imagine how magical your garden must be, with all those hummingbirds.
    Love and hugs,

  4. I really loved the poem, especially its humble beginnings!

    The photo is drop dead gorgeous. A wonderful combination!


  5. Marion, so beautiful! A reminder of how genuine poetry evolves from our passion. I am enchanted by this garden of secrets, longing, joy, great beauty. Ah, to see the sacred walkway, the dragonfly water mosaic, this blushing bride. xxox

  6. Dear Ethereal Myth Creature,
    this is one of the most gorgeous
    poems I have read in a long time.

    I feel this poem is so honoring
    to Mother Nature and the
    beauty around us.

    Thank you for blessing me with
    this lovliness!

  7. A live yard song is humming
    an ageless, ancient tune---

    I see you dancing there your pink gloves with black and white polka dots. More beautiful than any flower or garden sweet friend. You are in your element with this poem. Beautiful!

  8. you live here hard in the inbetween, between earth and light, life and death. i shall make a pie with you. marion pie. and you shall bubble to my oven's floor, be stubborn, send your sent with everything that i bake thereafter:)

    i love reading your writing, marion.


  9. Gorgeous poem, although I couldn't help but be a little saddened at the mention of your buried cat. Still, everything returns back to whence it came, right?

    I have a black thumb so I will have to garden vicariously through you, Marion :)

  10. Lovely! Both the poem and the photo. I envy you your hummingbirds, as I rarely see any. I have seen my little purple finches poking their heads into my porch, though, so I need to get a hanging basket for them to nest in. They do it every year and I love seeing the eggs and then watching the fuzzy little hatchlings.

  11. wow! what a beautiful flower
    poem too
    I love how it starts outsoft and then explodes into an open arm invitation
    (not crazy bout the rotting cat)
    hey Marion! what was that flower that h'birds like?
    I forgot


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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