Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dead-Winged Blackbirds, A Symphony

Dead-Winged Blackbirds: A Symphony
By Marion for Magpie Tales 48

Red-Winged Blackbirds
fallen from the sky,
everyone guessing
none knowing why---

Red-Winged Blackbirds
falling like rain,
some say it’s normal,
I think it’s insane---

Red-Winged Blackbirds
never again to sing--
I’ll mourn your silence
With my tears, come Spring.

Dead-Winged Blackbirds
never to fly
back into their ocean
Of lapis blue sky---


Inspired by the Beatles song, "Blackbird", and sadly, the mysterious death of thousands of Red-Winged Blackbirds recently...


"A skylark wounded in the wing,
A Cherubim does cease to sing." ~Walt Whitman



  1. A questioning poem, it was irrestible to me. That was tragic and I agree it was insane to me also. Your blog on the otherhand is a lovely place to visit.

  2. Touching words, Marion, and a timely message.

    I think this could also apply to all the oil-blackened wings of the waterfowl from that big oil spill down there.

    (Plus I'm a Beatles fan, so your inspiration there worked doubly-well for me)

  3. A poignant and beautifully written poem about such a strange and sad thing that happened.

  4. Wut??? What happened to the blackbirds? I hadn't heard. That breaks my heart, because I LOVE red-winged blackbirds and always have. They make me think of country afternoons.

    I like the song you created, Marion, but I am distressed to hear about the poor birds.

  5. The Beatles have been on my mind this past week, coincidence!

    Love this, Marion, and the ending,
    "Of lapis blue sky."

  6. I love that song. Had no idea the birds were mysteriously dying. How sad :(

    Love you

  7. I think the mystery of the fallen birds has been on everyone's minds, so how fitting that you've paid them this tribute. And how eerily apropros the song is.

  8. "lapis blue sky..." A brilliant image

  9. Heard about that, Marion. Wasn't that due to fireworks provocation? I just don't know what we're doing to this world.

    I'm always excited when you post your own. Hoping there's cause for celebration next time. I'm with Theresa, loving that last line especially.


  10. Marion,

    A beautiful, poignant and caring


  11. How beautiful and sad.

    I'm a bird lover. They (the experts) say it's not that rare for masses of birds to die.


  12. Timely. This phenomenon scared a lot of people. I couldn't believe it when scientists said this happens all the time, but the emergence of the internet and twitter make these events much more "public".

    Lovely reference to the Beatles (they're smiling up there somewhere). I didn't get to comment on the previous post, but it is always good to see your toes!




  13. Beautiful tribute to the mysterious loss. I love your lapis skies.

  14. Very creative combination of this current happening and the Magpie prompt!

  15. That Beatles song is one of my favourites.

  16. You linked the sad death of those many beautiful birds to Willow's photo prompt ~ perfectly.

  17. They are one of my favorite birds! what do you suppose is causing them to die ?
    thanks for this piece.

  18. I love this! ...and I'm not buying some of those "explanations" for the dead birds.

  19. Love this piece - it speaks to the now in such a superb fashion.

  20. Lapis blue sky sings to me! lol

  21. Beautiful poem. Blackbirds are meant to sing. I agree, it's insane. I'm from Sweden and it happened there too. They weren't blackbirds, though, but jackdaws, I think.

  22. In a world of unpredictable future, things like this happen. Rain of birds, new opportunities to change our inexorable fate. It seems necessary to spend to make decisions.
    Warm greetings:

  23. Marvelous, the way you worked the sorrow of the loss of the blackbirds into this magpie prompt. Indeed, the loss of their music is cause for tears come spring. They so deserve this tribute of yours.

    (As I read/wrote here Jewel's song came on your player. I love her and hadn't heard this angel song before. It seemed fitting while thinking about the blackbirds...)


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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