Friday, July 16, 2010

James Lee Burke - Louisiana's Best Writer

James Lee Burke's latest masterpiece.

There are writers of fiction, detective stories, mystery, philosophy, prose, literature, and poetry.  And then there is James Lee Burke, who has somehow managed to marry every genre I love into each of his magnificently written books, particularly his Dave Robicheaux series.  Nobody describes Louisiana like Mr. Burke, who is from New Iberia, Louisiana.  When you open his books, you feel the heat, the humidity slaps you in the face, the mighty, moss-draped oak trees take on personalities and, in his competent hands 'Louisiana becomes a poem' to paraphrase a line from this book.  His descriptions of storms and sunsets over Bayou Teche are poetry.  I've lived most of my life in Louisiana and never, until I read one of his books, had I ever seen the beauty & love I have for this state so eloquently personified in such powerful, electrifying words.

I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Burke at a Louisiana Book Festival many years ago, and getting several of my books by him autographed, and it was one of the highlights of my life.  Reading this particular book was bittersweet, as I know the way of life he describes is gone since the oil spill.  I cried as I read of his descriptions of the beauty of the Gulf and the sweet smell of the salt water breezes.

I just had to recommend this book, and all of Mr. Burke's books.  I own them all and wouldn't trade them for anything.  I bought this one for myself as a birthday present.  (Happy Birthday to me today!!)  If you love a well-written series, then you will love Mr. Burke's books.  Had I underlined my favorite passages in this one alone, I'd have worn out three highliter pens!

I read it in two sittings, waking at 3 a.m. to finish it.  I think I'll go and take a nap now. 



"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book." ~Author Unknown


  1. Happy birthday, sweet dragonfly lady!

    I shall have to check out Mr. Burke's work - and not just because it rhymes!)

  2. Thanks, Eric. I've had a great day. My Amazon account overfloweth. LOL! You'll like Mr. Burke. He's a master writer. Blessings!!

  3. Happy, happy birthday, Marion!!

    I have always loved reading about that section of the US. I will have to check out Mr. Burke's novels. I have wondered what they were like and thank you for writing about them.

    I hope you've enjoyed that nap!!

  4. Hello Marion! How are you?

    Your blog is delightfully cerebral!

    Hope you weekend is wonderful.

  5. I will have to check this one out, as I do with anything you recommend/mention. :)

  6. Yet another author I've read nothing by!

    From your description of his writing, I really should try him out. After all, I do love my neighboring state!!


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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