Friday, May 7, 2010

Love Poems From God by Daniel Ladinsky

This is an amazing book overflowing with wisdom, love and compassion.  The subtitle is "Twelve Sacred Voices From the East and West".  To me, the poems were more of the author's interpretation than a literal translation, but they're still awesome. 

Sitting on my book shelf with hundreds of other books, it glows with light and is warm to the touch when I hold it in my hands. 

From the Preface:

"Hafiz sings, 'A poet is someone who can pour light into a cup, then raise it to nourish your beautiful, holy, parched mouth.'" page xii

"I hope a few of these poems will reach in deep enough to cure what separates us from each other, and from the beautiful.  I hope you fall into this wine barrel (this book) and crawl out legally drunk, and get arrested for doing something that makes God proud of you, like being too happy."  page xii

I'll share a few of my favorite poems, the ones that radiated light to me.  Enjoy! 



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Dear God, please reveal to us
your sublime

that is everywhere, everywhere, everywhere,

so that we will never again
feel frightened.

My divine love, my love,
please let us touch
your face.

St. Francis of Assisi, Page 56

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Vulnerable we are, like an infant.
We need each other's care
or we will

St. Catherine of Siena, Page 185

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I had tea yesterday with a great theologian,
and he asked me,

"What is your experience of God's will?"

I liked that question---
for the distillation of thought hones thought in others.
Clarity, I know, is freedom.

What is my experience of God's will?

Everyone is a traveler.  Most all need lodging, food,
and clothes.

I let enter my mouth what will enrich me.  I wear what
will make my eyes content,
I sleep where I will
wake with the
strength to

all my mind can

What is God's will for a wing?
Every bird knows

St. Teresa of Avila, Page 279

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A thorn has entered your foot.  That is why you
weep at times at

There are some in this world
who can pull it

The skill that takes they have
learned from

St. Catherine of Siena, page 190

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did the rose

ever open its heart

and give to this world all of its beauty?

It felt the encouragement of light against its being,

otherwise we all remain

too frightened.

By Hafiz, Page 161

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He has never left you.

It is just
that your soul is so vast
that just like

the earth in its innocence,
it may think,

"I do not feel my lover's warmth
against my face right

But look, dear,
is not the sun reaching down its arms
and always holding a continent
in its light?

God cannot leave us.
It is just that our soul is so vast,

we do not always feel His lips
upon the

St. Catherine of Siena, Page 200

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Godlight radiating from my purple Morning Glorys.

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"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." ~C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain

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"The feeling remains that God is on the journey, too." ~Teresa of Avila

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  1. A beautiful way to begin today...


  2. These are lovely, Marion, as are your flowers.

    That C.S. Lewis quote is one of my favorites.

    Thanks for such a beautiful post!

  3. It is just that our soul is so vast, we do not always feel His lips upon the veil. I like this, Marion.

    And then holy shit, that last one blew my fricken mind! I think too often we think on god too simplistically, that he might be a finite and finished product. That he is on this journey, too, makes more sense to me than anything. Whoa. Yes.

    Have a beautiful weekend. I'm working and so I will have to try harder to be light in the day. But I will eat fudge and play in between the working and be alright.

    much love Marion

  4. Sue, YES! Thanks for stopping by. Blessings!

    Thank you, Kelly. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. Blessings!

    Erin, have some fudge for me. I'm happy some of the words I shared blew your mind. :-) I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Love & Blessings, my poet-pal...

  5. Oh Marion, Legally drunk I imerge from this blog....such a refreshing drink this. And you with the goods to pull the thorn. Yes YOU, dear Marion. I thank you!

    Big Slobbery Kisses -

  6. Thank you, Marion. These are beautiful, serene, and comforting.

  7. Thanks so much for the wonderful poems from this book, Marion. I love how it glows and feels warm when you pick it up. I love the Godlight radiating from your morning glories, which is really one of my favourite flowers. My mother grew real beauties, and they remind me so much of my youth! An awesome photo!

    Hope your knees feel better today!

  8. These are beautiful, ML, and the book intriguing. I love the way you presented them centered. They struck me even more in this format.


  9. Oh, Annie, you flirt, you. LOL! You are too kind, my wonderful pal. Love & Blessings!! xoxo

    Karen, I'm so glad you enjoyed them. Blessings!

    Marion, yes, Morning Glories are, well, glorious. Once you plant them here down South, they come back every year. It's a tough flower, so full of light. My knees are better today, thanks for asking. It's a cool, breezy, magical day here in the deep South. Sigh. Blessings!

    Quid, thanks. The author had them all centered and I try to keep the poems I post true to the author's format. Blessings!!

  10. I remember the first time I read CS Lewis's The Problem of Pain. I remember what a relief it was to understand that whilst nothing is impossible with God ... this only covers the intrinsically possible ... therefore God is not able or willing to do the intrinsically impossible. That there are laws at play here. Some arresting ideas in that book and The Great Divorce, another favourite of mine.

    A beautiful selection of poems you've posted here Marion ... they really do radiate light.

    Thanks for the info on Tarot. Much appreciated. xx Jos

  11. Oh, beautiful stuff here!!

    The Lewis & Teresa of Avila quotes slayed me. Terrific love of God and all things good & bright & possible.

  12. Marion -

    I come here straight form Erin - Woman’s posting “shopping colour with god” - Your toilet paper comment was both touching and hilarious - I had to laugh out LOUD. Yes, that God talked back is somehow suspicious, isn’t it. I promise not to tell......

    This post is wonderful, you have an amazing gift in pointing out for me the right books, the right poems....


  13. Thanks, Grete. I'm glad you enjoyed my TP story. I'll have to blog about it here sometimes. I'm a firm believer in miracles, both large and small. Blessings!!

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Marion. I am so glad I you posted the beautiful poems put together by Daniel Ladinsky. Sometimes it seems almost impossible to interpret the world of beauty and love that we live in, but this little book gives voice to the human heart. Thank you!
    Your garden must be amazing, you put so much love into it.


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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