Wednesday, January 13, 2010

On the Subject of Poetry by W. S. Merwin

This window was created by my talented and beautiful daughter, April, who is an artist and a high school art teacher. It's faux stained glass made with tissue paper and glue on an old, recycled window.  The woman is sitting cross-legged and reading a book.  She gave me this masterpiece of art for Christmas year before last.  We LOVE homemade gifts at our house!!


On the Subject of Poetry

By W. S. Merwin

I do not understand the world, Father.
By the millpond at the end of the garden
There is a man who slouches listening
To the wheel revolving in the stream, only
There is no wheel there to revolve.

He sits in the end of March, but he sits also
In the end of the garden; his hands are in
His pockets. It is not expectation
On which he is intent, nor yesterday
To which he listens. It is a wheel turning.

When I speak, Father, it is the world
That I must mention. He does not move
His feet nor so much as raise his head
For fear he should disturb the sound he hears
Like a pain without a cry, where he listens.

I do not think I am fond, Father,
Of the way in which always before he listens
He prepares himself by listening. It is
Unequal, Father, like the reason
For which the wheel turns, though there is no wheel.

I speak of him, Father, because he is
There with his hands in his pockets, in the end
Of the garden listening to the turning
Wheel that is not there, but it is the world,
Father, that I do not understand.


I got a new book of poems by W. S. Merwin recently.  I'd never read his poems before and am now in the throes of new poet-love! 

Love & Blessings,

~*~ Marion ~*~

PS:  Please join me in praying for the people of Haiti who are devastated by a recent earthquake.  If you are able, please give to your local relief agency.  Thank you...


  1. What a beautiful window! That must be a joy to look at on a cold winter day. The poem, too, is wonderful. Thanks for this.

  2. Isn't it fun finding a new favorite poet!?

    April is so talented! That is a gorgeous window.

    Yes....prayers for the people of Haiti.

  3. The best part about you falling in love with a new poet is that we get to fall in love along with you :)

  4. Thanks, Karen. I appreciate you! Blessings!

    Kelly, yes, I've read his entire book and it's amazing. All of his books are great. Blessings!

    Shaista, thanks for stopping by. I appreciate you. Blessings!

  5. Amen for the people in Haiti.

    Now I would not call that a homemade gift. I would call that a piece of art.


    Love Renee xoxo

  6. Thank you, Renee. Yes, it is a work of art, just like the quilt she made me. I called her last night and told her I haven't been that warm (under her work of art quilt) since I was in the womb. That tickled her! Love & Blessings, dear friend!

  7. Yes, give all we can for the victims of this horrific tragedy.

    Your daughter is VERY talented Marion. WOW!

    I love all this new poetry you are introducing me to......Thank you!

  8. Today I don't understand the world either...

  9. Marion, That new hair cut looks easy to control. Beautiful window by April. And another lovely poem. Yes, as if Haiti hasn't suffered enough. ~rick

  10. When my Soul is hungry, you always feed her!

  11. Thank you, Marion. Love what you did with your journal cover. And, the poetry - a voice for each of our soul's yearning.

  12. My dear friends, I'm glad you all enjoyed the post.

    Mr. Merwin's new Pulitzer Prize winning book is "The Shadow of Sirius". It's AMAZING! Love & Blessings!!


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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