Monday, August 3, 2009

Sky Calligraphy by Buson

The wild geese write a verse against the glow
Over the hills; their seal---the moon below. ~BUSON

~Haiku from: "A Net of Fireflies", translated by Harold Stewart, page 82
Photograph by Marion, taken on 8/1/09


  1. a verse against the glow....this is lovely! We don't get a whole lot of deep blue sky here in the central California valley. We get smog....lots of smog, smoke and peet dirt. The photo is a breath of fresh air.

  2. Thanks, Annie. I'm glad you enjoyed the photo. In a bout of serious synchronicity, I took this photo at my brother's house in Arkansas Friday evening. I got the book today in the mail and found that haiki and if you'll click the photo to look up close, you can see the geese flying below the moon! How AWESOME is that!??? I shouldn't be, but I'm always amazed at these synchronistic moments given to me by the Universe. Or maybe it's just because I'm aware and looking for the moon when I know the full moon is near...The colors remind me of a Maxfield Parish painting. Love & Blessings...

  3. That is lovely...both the haiku and the photograph.

    I purchased one of your recommendations last week... Seeds of Hope by Henri Nouwen. Also got Volume Two of Mary Oliver's New and Selected poems. I haven't had time to read much yet from either, but know I'm going to love them.

  4. Thanks, Kelly, glad you liked them. I fell in love with the area my brother lives. He lives in Wade, not too far from Greers Ferry Lake, where we drove Saturday in the rain.

    You are going to love "Seeds of Hope". The book is so healing and full of wisdom. And we all know you just can't go wrong with Mary Oliver. Enjoy!!! Blessings!

  5. Thank you, Judith. Blessings!!!!

  6. Hi, Marion-
    the pic actually makes me think of winter coming. Maybe cuz of the geese-maybe the blue of the sky. Enjoyed the thought. Thanks, Dear Friend~rick

  7. Rick, me, too. Which is crazy in August, but hey, Autumn is right around the corner. I loved the way the blue of the sky turned out and the geese were just a gift because I was shootin' for the moon. LOL! You're welcome, dear friend. Love, Hugs & Blessings---

  8. Beautiful Marion...

    I did click
    and there like magic

    Happy days

  9. Thanks, SJ and Delwyn. Yeah, those geese are hard to see unless you click the photo, but there they are!! Blessings!!!

  10. I had to click on the picture to see them, but I knew they'd be there. Gorgeous picture, and what a great thing to receive this haiku at just the right moment. Nothing is coincidence. Beautiful!

  11. Yes, Karen, there are no coincidences. I firmly believe that, too. Blessings!!!

  12. Oh my God, Marion! I can't believe you took that picture! It evokes the haiku perfectly! Beautiful together! I blew up the photo to really see the moon and the clouds and the geese. amazing. LOVE xxox p.s. I'm really enjoying my Net of Fireflies, too.

  13. Thanks, Margaret. Yes, the book is amazing, isn't it? And I had no idea it had some many fabulous paintings to illustrate the haiku. Blessings!!

  14. So many are busy chasing the geese away but I swear, my heart lifts and follows them when I see them. I chase them like a kid chases butterflies.

    When I was in Chicago last week our hotel was right on the canal. I was outside on a bench on the phone with a friend and five geese swooped down causing too many suits to almost spill their lattes. I rose to meet them with a quick breath in my chest. Whhhooosshhhh. Straight down the canal and then a solitary lift as a single unit. F'n beauty, it was. I was struck dumb. Somebody else rattled off...f'n geese.

  15. I love geese, too, Erin. As long as they're flying and not chasing me. Blessings!


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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