Thursday, July 23, 2009

Undiscovered Gyrl by Allison Burnett

I read "Undiscovered Gyrl" by Allison Burnett, earlier this week and really enjoyed it. It was different from any other book I've read and the plot was ingenious, riveting, and heartbreaking all at the same time. I'm recommending it because it's about blogging, a favorite subject of so many of us, no? It's written in the format of an 18 year old girl's anonymous blog. This line really hit me in the gut: "Only on the Internet can you have so many friends and be so lonely."

In the interest of honesty, I will say that I'm now a member of the Amazon Vine program where I get to review books before they come out. I get a reader's copy of the book for free (thank yaaa Jaayyysssuus!) BUT, I do get to choose from a variety of books to review and I picked this one because it looked so interesting. I'm in the top 1,000 of reviewers at Amazon and have only been reviewing books there for, oh, TEN YEARS! I will say, when I saw the invitation, I did do a teeny, little happy dance...I mean offering a bookaholic books is like putting an alcoholic to work stomping grapes with the benefit of all the free wine they can consume if you don't mind purple feet. But really, the book is amazing and I think many of you would enjoy reading it. It comes out August 11, 2009.

I won't go into the story because you can read my review at Amazon. I review as Marion with my 'dragonfly' hotmail address next to my name if you'd care to toss me some bones in the vote department. Don't worry, I won't be bugging the hell out of you with lots of book reviews, but this one really got to me and was an awesome read.

Blessings, Love & Peace,


"There are books so alive that you're always afraid that while you weren't reading, the book has gone and changed, has shifted like a river; while you went on living, it went on living too, and like a river moved on and moved away. No one has stepped twice into the same river. But did anyone ever step twice into the same book?" ~Marina Tsvetaeva


  1. You lucky lucky lady. You won the book lottery :) Free books! W00t!

  2. Thanks, Annie. My thoughts exactly. I look at it as good book karma, cuz, believe you me...I have given away many thousands of books to friends, family and strangers. Thanks for stopping by. Blessings!

  3. Marion, that is the coolest thing! This position is clearly meant for you. I've never seen anyone read and review like you and at such a pace. and you're always "on." It's a true gift. I will definitely buy Undiscovered Gyrl and give you a plug. And I always love to know what other people are reading! You go, girl!

  4. Awww, Margaret, that was so sweet. I'm a true book addict and they don't have 12 step programs for people like us. I've slowed down quite a bit in the last year or so, but I used to read like 4 or 5 books a week. I'm mellowing out some and reading and writing more poetry lately. I've used books to escape reality for most of my life, but now I'm chillin' and enjoying the view more. I'm reading my second book from 'Vine' now and it's hilarious. My oldest daughter tried to steal it to take to the beach with her on their vacation, but I caught her. LOL! They go to the beach, I'm babysitting 2 of their cats. UGH! Hugs and Blessings!

  5. Congrats, Marion! What a wonderful thing to be able to do! I just read your comment about being an addict, and I can honestly say: My name is Karen and I'm a bookaholic. (...but I don't want a lose this addiction ever!)

    Thanks for the recommendation and the quote about books and rivers. I wish I'd said that!

  6. ah, Marion-I'm so jealous! I'd love that. but shit. got no time now. wow, I'm at amazon book shopping a lot. gonna have to look for your reviews. I would always trust your judgement. ~rick

  7. Thanks, Karen. I'm always happy to meet a fellow book addict! Ha! I know, about that quote. Isn't it awesome!! Don't laugh, but I have a book of quotes about books and people who love them...that's the thing about books...there's one for everything!! Blessings!

    Rick, don't be scared off by my weird taste in books at Amazon. I used to review everything I read, then I got more discrimininating and only reviewed books that blew me away. (When I was working full-time and had two kids at home I only read about 2 - 3 books per week. I could read while cooking, doing laundry, eating, vacuuming, etc. I taught my girls to always have a book in their hands/pockets and now, even my husband reads like that...I brainwashed them ALL! HA!) Thanks for the trust, but do you read chick lit? LOL! Love & Hugs & Blessings!

  8. How fun that you get books in advance to review!!!

    You read much faster than I do. I'm backed up to the gills with books I need to read. I can certainly think of worse problems to have, though!

  9. Kelly, the hard part is you only get to pick TWO books. And they send a LONG list of yummy books!I already picked my next two and was over-joyed because I had them both on my wish list! I hope I can keep up this pace. Blessings!!!

  10. Perfect position for you. I have to admit, while I love books, love holding them, breathing them, touching them, I'm such a slow read. I'll leave the reviewing to you. I'm pretty good at the dust collecting.

    This one sounds intriguing though. And I have to say, sitting in the blogging conference right now and I am struck by just how large blogging is. I mean, IT'S HUGE, TINY ELVIS! As many people as there are there are motivations for blogging. Astounding really and I've totally frigged the conference by only sitting in on one session. But there is more to life than sitting in a chair or wearing a party dress. Afterall, there's sitting by a river...

  11. Erin, a blogging conference sounds like fun, sort of. I wouldn't want to wear the party dress, though, maybe my pink faux crocs.

    The best thing about blogging is you can do it in your pj's, your birthday suit or your husband's pj's (like me today!) Have y'all discussed blogger fashion yet? LOL! Are there any agent types there you could discuss books with? Now that would make it worth the party dress, fer shure! Hurry home, okay? Blessings!


One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever come to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on the way. ~Vincent Van Gogh~ Pull up a chair...

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